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For Graduates

Why joining the golden key discord server enhances your experience

Why joining the golden key discord server enhances your experience

Golden Key International Honour Society, with its global reach across more than 400 university chapters and a network exceeding 2 million members, offers unique platforms for connection and growth. Among these, the Golden Key Discord server stands out as a crucial interactive hub. Here’s what […]

What does being a GK member really mean?

What does being a GK member really mean?

Being a Golden Key International Honour Society member is more than just a title or a line on a resume; it represents a commitment to excellence, a dedication to leadership, and a passion for service. As the world’s largest international collegiate honor society, Golden Key […]

5 ways to get more from your GK membership

5 ways to get more from your GK membership

Golden Key International Honour Society stands as a beacon of excellence in the academic world, offering its members unparalleled opportunities for growth, scholarship, and community engagement. Joining this prestigious community recognizes your hard work and academic success. It opens doors to a world of possibilities […]

How can alumni stay involved with Golden Key?

How can alumni stay involved with Golden Key?

Even if you’ve graduated, that doesn’t mean it’s the end of your experience with Golden Key. There are plenty of opportunities for alumni to get involved and stay involved with GK. We’re happy to share six ways for alumni to continue to be active members […]

How to get involved with Golden Key?

How to get involved with Golden Key?

Have you joined Golden Key but still aren’t sure how to become involved? Then you’ve come to the right place. While many students join honor societies for the resume booster, we know that GK members are hard-working leaders, eager to be involved in their community […]

Get ahead with a graduate degree in 2021

Get ahead with a graduate degree in 2021

The beginning of the year is always the perfect time to set new personal and professional goals! Take your career to the next level by starting your graduate degree in 2021. A graduate degree can earn you a higher salary, help you move up in your current career or even change careers. […]

10 things you should do during a job interview

10 things you should do during a job interview

When it comes to job interviews, many of us don’t have a clear idea about – “what to do during an interview?” We do not know how to behave during a job interview, how to dress up for one, and how to crack the meanest, […]