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Golden Key Spotlight: Adam Mildenberger, Stephanie Gutnik and Derek Zhang

Golden Key Spotlight: Adam Mildenberger, Stephanie Gutnik and Derek Zhang

We’re proud to have more than two million amazing members of Golden Key around the world, and we love hearing and sharing the stories of why each person joined and what they’ve gained from their time with us. Here we share the stories of three inspiring members…

Adam Mildenberger University of Alberta 

“My favorite aspect about Golden Key was the organization was willing to foster any interest you have and allows you to make the membership whatever you want. I love to travel and got to see Niagara Falls, the Grande Canyon, and Australia through 

Golden Key. I was looking to develop my leadership skills and Golden Key allowed me to organize events and volunteers. 

You get back what you are willing to put in. Some of my closest friends I have today are from Golden Key. What I really enjoyed is the exposure to people outside your own area of study. 

I also think this is the best part of the leadership team. It gives you way more real world experience working with people from different areas and stages of education than any classroom group project. These skills and experience continue to serve me today.” 

Stephanie Gutnik McGill University 

“I was unaware of Golden Key until receiving my invitation. I became a member due to the excitement of making new connections at McGill, along with its acknowledgement of academic achievement. 

My experience as a member far exceeded my expectations. I quickly became involved with the executive team, eventually becoming President. We carried out a variety of events, everything from informational sessions to bootcamp. This experience prepared me well for association work in my career. 

Through Golden Key, I developed meaningful relationships with fellow students and mentors, and will soon be in the bridal party of a best friend I met through the executive team!” 

Derek Zhang University of British Columbia 

“My 3-year experience with Golden Key at the University of British Columbia chapter was a pure wonder. GK-ers are all diverse, coming from different academic backgrounds, year levels, and all walks of life, yet we all share one commonality: an openness for dialogue and new thoughts, coupled with a high level of intellectual engagement and critical thinking. 

GK’s efforts and dedication are truly transforming opportunities to realities for its lifelong members worldwide. It has been my absolute honour to be part of this honour society, and I’m forever grateful for this wonderful journey that I embarked on with GK.”