Join workshops on positive thinking, fundraising, resume writing, and more

Our Leadership Summit in Houston at the end of this month will be inspiring and engaging in so many ways. We’ll have renowned keynote speakers Linnita Hosten and T. J. Sullivan, plus a series of workshops covering a wide range of topics from personal finances to job hunting to living your best life. Want to know more? Here’s a quick summary of the workshops on offer:
WORKSHOP #1: Discover the best version of YOU!
This is a session focused on your individual leadership development. When you leave this session, you will feel and be empowered with new tools and techniques to become the best version of yourself.
WORKSHOP #2: Fundraising: Can we hit the target
This session will cover various ways to foster funding for your chapter. The focus will be on Northern Kentucky University’s success with Golden Key partner Commencement Group. Join your peers to learn more, collaborate, and help your chapter hit the target for funds.
WORKSHOP #3: Resume writing
This resume writing workshop will have examples of resumes through the editing process, as well as handouts with tips on them.
WORKSHOP #4: Creating a positive life
This workshop will cover eight steps to creating a positive life including self love, living mindfully, choosing joy, and practising gratitude.
WORKSHOP #5: Recruiting the recruiter: Advice for the job hunt
Learn what corporate recruiters look for on resumes and during interviews. How should you present your best self?
WORKSHOP #6: The road to financial independence: Developing smart financial habits in early adulthood
This presentation will focus on some things to think about to help you pursue what’s important to you, as well as suggest some practical steps that you can take for today and tomorrow to help your overall financial wellness.
WORKSHOP #7: Build a brand for yourself that is worth more than Gold
Our personal brand is so important. It’s the impression you’ll leave with everyone you meet and the reputation you’ll build for yourself throughout your career and your life. This workshop will focus on how to build a brand for yourself worth more than Gold. We’ll share lessons from some of the most amazing brands in the world and help you continue to build a brand to be proud of.
WORKSHOP #8: How to create the life you desire!
This session will provide participants the blueprint for designing their winning life with intentions. Participants will understand how to set and achieve future goals, learn how to best leverage opportunities to build strong networks and innovatively create their ideal career, and learn how to live their best life on purpose.
WORKSHOP #9: Networking
As you prepare for your academic and professional future, the concept of networking can create support systems and contribute to advancement. Join the presenters and fellow attendees in this interactive workshop as we discuss the art behind the networking process and application strategies for future success.
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