Golden Key Spotlight: Kennesaw State University

Across the globe, Golden Key Chapters are doing inspiring things each and every day. From community events to outreach programs, alumni gatherings to social mixers–there are so many ways that Golden Key members are engaging with each other and the world around them.
And we couldn’t be more proud. We love having the opportunity to Spotlight the work of our amazing chapters, and today we want to share with you some of the exciting things that have been going on with the Kennesaw State University Golden Key Chapter…

KSU GK members visited Morocco for Spring Break (March 30-April 6, 2019)
As part of KSU’s commitment to global citizenship, the university hosts an annual Spring Break trip to a different theme county and in 2019 it was Morocco! As part of the trip, the KSU chapter took part in a service project where everyone on the trip brought books to donate to the local children’s library in the Medina in Fes. The KSU GK chapter advisor, honorary faculty members, and student members presented the books to the children. While in Morocco, the students and faculty also engaged in an exchange experience with students and faculty from Hassan II University in Casablanca.

They engaged GK Alumni and Honorary Members in KSU Day of Service (March 23, 2019)
KSU hosts an annual Day of Service that engages students, staff, community members and parents/family of students in dozens of different service projects around the metro-Atlanta area.
This year in addition to the team of GK students who participated, the GK advisor joined GK alumni and honorary members (both KSU faculty/staff and community leaders who have been previously recognized as GK honorary members) in a special service project to prepare care packages for active US military members serving abroad, while the GK student members served in a variety of separate service projects off campus.
Everyone started the day together with breakfast and a welcome from the university president before dividing to engage in multiple service activities.

Special Alumni and Honorary Member Networking Reception (November 8, 2018)
In addition to the standard New Member Recognition Event (NMRE) activities for new members, KSU invited past honorary members and alumni members to attend the NMRE and engage in a special networking reception with our new members and their families, as well as to reconnect with each other. They included an alumni speaker in the NMRE, and added five new honorary members at the ceremony.
Of special note this year, the new university president, who was an honorary member from University of Georgia, transferred her membership to join the ranks of the KSU honorary member network. The chapter was also particularly pleased that Golden Key CEO Melissa Leitzell was able to attend and assist us in presenting a special certificate to our new university president.
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