GK Canada Forms


CHAPTER EVENT REPORTS  This is where you enter all your events including NMRE, service events, chapter scholarship efforts, social events, campus awareness, etc.  You would make one entry per event. These entries will also cover the Chapter Standards requirement for providing event information for Golden Key’s newsletter and website. We can look at the descriptions and info in the event forms so you do not have to send in separate information for that part of the Chapter Standards.

Chapter Event Report Form

Please try and have each event reported within one month after the event date. Here is a supporting document that describes each field in more detail if needed:  Chapter Reports Field Descriptions

MEMBER STORIES   These can be filled out by chapter execs, chapter scholarship winners, people involved in your events, general GK members, etc. We want to hear about member stories and the great things happening across Canada. The chapter standards looks for three of these to be completed each year for maximum points.

Member Stories Form

ANNUAL PLAN  This is a review where the chapter is and looks forward to note what you think the chapter will do for the year. This can be a guesstimate as to a timeline and what you will look to accomplish. It is a guide for the chapter and we can change the plans in the future so don’t worry about knowing every detail. If there are items you do not know you can enter Do Not Know or leave blank. If you are not sure of your current chapter standard level or have other questions, feel free to reach out to me. This form is only to be filled out once so please coordinate to see who will fill it out.

Annual Plan Form


This is to be filled out each year for any chapter officers. The officer can fill it out  or another chapter exec can enter their info on the form. One form for each officer. Even if you filled one out the previous year, each exec should fill out a new form each year.

Officer Profile Form

These are to be filled out as new officers join the exec team.


Please fill out this form for each new honourary member.

Honourary Member Profile Form

We will send a certificate and GK pin so if you are hosting an NMRE and would like them to arrive before that event, please complete these at least two week before the event if possible. The form will have you note if the certificate and pin are to be sent directly to the honourary member or to the chapter to hand out themselves.

Chapter Standards

This details the scoring rubric and categories where the chapter can earn points towards their annual chapter standards level.

Chapter Standards Rubric

Canada Golden Key Chapter Scholarship Request Form

This is the form used to request the funds for the chapter scholarships. The funds go directly to the winner(s).

2025 Canada Chapter Scholarship Program Form

Chapter Event Ideas – The chapter should be organizing various community service events, networking events, social gatherings, professional development events, etc. Here are some examples:

Chapter Event Ideas Document

Canada New Member Recognition Event Script   (feel free to edit as you see fit for your event)

Canada NMRE Script


Below is the link to learn more about running the chapter’s annual New Member Recognition Event 

New Member Recognition Event PowerPoint with info about hosting the event