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GK Scholarships: Jessica Buman

GK Scholarships: Jessica Buman

Golden Key is excited to introduce Jessica Buman, one of Golden Key’s 2020 Humanitarian and Service Award winners. Jessica earned her Associate’s degree from Iowa Western Community College in 2017 and her Bachelor’s in Business Analytics and Information Systems with an International Business Certificate from the University of Iowa in 2020.

“I am very grateful to receive the 2020 Humanitarian/Service Award to continue to assist others and make the world a better place, Jessica says. “We are all in this together. This award will allow me to continue to sew face masks for people in need within my community of Harlan, Iowa and Iowa City, Iowa, to mitigate the risk of COVID-19. I hope to also teach my other organization to sew face masks such as Sigma Alpha Lambda, Delta Gamma, Tippie Technology and Innovation Association, and Dance Marathon.”

Jessica first became interested in Golden Key after meeting some upperclassmen who were members.

“In October 2017, at the student organization fair, I met a few upperclassmen that were members of Golden Key,” Jessica shares. “They explained Golden Key’s three pillars which directly correlated with my goals. Instantly, these leaders of Golden Key made me feel at home by answering all my crazy questions about dorm living, laundry, and Golden Key.”

Jessica joined Golden Key four years ago.

“In 2017-2018, I first joined Golden Key and began a strong network of faculty and students,” Jessica explains. “This first year, I focused on learning about the organizational structure. I learned when and how the organization met. I loved the new member recognition event, which allowed me to feel very special and appreciated. This first year allowed me to really appreciate the organization before I jumped headfirst in as a leader.”

Jessica had the honor of being the treasurer for Golden Key during her second year as a member.

“In 2018-2019, we decided to do four different Spark-a-change events,” Jessica remarks. “As a treasurer, I had to apply and request the funds to purchase books for places in need in our community. This project was very rewarded, and I loved reading books to the children at the daycares.”

Jessica’s hard work allowed her to become the Vice President of her Golden Key chapter.

“Currently, I am the Vice President of Golden Key at the University of Iowa during a pandemic,” Jessica comments. “After being part of this organization for three years, I never thought this was what my senior year would look like.”

Jessica maintained a strong involvement even during the pandemic.
“For the fourth year, I volunteered at the student organization fair to obtain new members, but this year’s fair looked a little different since it was virtual,” Jessica mentions. “Due to the pandemic, we were unable to hold any events in person. We decided to meet virtually every month and still try to be as involved with the community as possible. On our own, we each wrote holiday cards for children at the University of Iowa Stead Family Hospital and sewed face masks for people in need within the community. I created fun masks with cute pigs on them that made all the elderly at the nursing home smile. Golden Key this year has taught me how to be selfless and how to listen to others.”

Jessica is proud to be a Golden Key member.

“From this organization, I learned many different skills such as how to manage my time, how to lead with confidence, and how to collaborate with others,” Jessica says. “Golden Key allowed me to gain international experience with other international members. I am so very thankful for four years of Golden Key and counting. Golden Key changed my life, and I can’t wait to allow it to shape me even more.”

Thank you for being a part of the Golden Key family, Jessica; we wish you the best of luck in all of your endeavors!