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GK Scholarships: Heidi Jones

GK Scholarships: Heidi Jones

Golden Key is pleased to introduce Heidi Jones, one of Golden Key’s 2020 Professional Development Award winners. Heidi earned her B.A. in English Language and Literature from Brigham Young University in 2009, her M.A. in English Language and Literature from Weber State University in 2012, and her Graduate Certificate in Online Teaching for Grades K-12 from Arizona State University in 2015.

“I am excited to grow professionally using the funds from the Golden Key Professional Development Award,” Heidi says. “This scholarship will allow me to boost my knowledge and credentials in my career field in ways a traditional education would not.”

Heidi enjoys expanding her credentials through certifications.

“Increasingly, professional certifications are the route to stand out in many professional fields,” Heidi explains. “My career has grown along a very non-traditional path.”

Heidi’s original path was in Law School, but she found a passion for teaching and decided to pursue that instead.

“I grew up in Bountiful, Utah but now reside in Kaysville, Utah,” Heidi shares. “Other academic scholarships I have received include full-tuition scholarships for each year of my undergraduate studies, and a 75% tuition scholarship to Brigham Young University law school, although I ultimately decided not to attend to pursue teaching.”

Thank you for being a part of the Golden Key family, Heidi; we wish you the best of luck on your certifications!