GK Scholarships: Hyelin Sung

Golden Key is overjoyed to introduce Hyelin Sung, one of Golden Key’s 2020 Undergraduate Achievement Award winners. Hyelin has lived in Edmonton, AB, Canada, for most of her life and attends the University of Alberta.
“I decided to stay here for my post-secondary education as it allowed me to study my passions while being near to family and friends,” Hyelin says.
Hyelin is passionate about working with children, health, and art.
“This has driven me to become an executive member for the youth council of the local children’s hospital where I help lead and plan events to fundraise for the hospital,” Hyelin explains, “As well, being the vice president academic of my faculty’s undergraduate association.”
Another passion of Hyelin’s is education and the pursuit of knowledge.
“I enjoy learning new things and being able to use that knowledge to help others, which has fuelled a strong work ethic,” Hyelin explains.
Hyelin’s dedication to learning has helped her to earn many academic scholarships and opportunities.
“I have received academic scholarships throughout my undergraduate education,” Hyelin reveals. “I have also become involved with research to further my education experience. Through this, I have won summer studentships that helped fund projects researching the use of arts-based knowledge translation tools in child health education.”
Hyelin’s passion and dedication to learning carries over into her involvement in Golden Key.
“I originally joined the Golden Key International Honour Society in 2019 as I agreed in the importance of the three pillars the society strives to uphold,” Hyelin says. “I am truly honored to have received this award as it will help me to continue pursuing my passions in academics, leadership, and service. This will ultimately allow me to grow and develop into the best person I can be!”
Thank you for being a part of the Golden Key family, Hyelin; we wish you the best of luck as you continue to pursue your education!
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