Golden Key Spotlights: Aniquah Zowmi, Carly Baxter and Yaeesh Sardiwella

Golden Key means something a little different to each of our two million (and counting!) members. For some, it’s about much deserved and hard-earned recognition. For others, it’s about meeting new people, attending events, seeing the world, and being part of something bigger. We love hearing more about how and why our members joined–and here are three more great member stories for you to enjoy:

Aniquah Zowmi – Brock University
“It is my honour to be the recipient of the Golden Key Graduate Scholarship. This award is not just a reflection and validation of my work over the course of my undergraduate and graduate degrees, but also a testament to the immense support of the communities surrounding me. I am grateful for the opportunities I have had through both Brock University and the Canadian Commission for UNESCO, which have been integral to developing my career path, and I am proud that this award provides me the opportunity to represent these institutions on an international platform. I look forward to harnessing this scholarship to further my work in the realm of youth engagement.”

Carly Baxter – University of New Brunswick Undergraduate Dalhousie University Medical School
“I was honoured to have been selected for a Golden Key Undergraduate Achievement Scholarship during my undergraduate studies. The three pillars of excellence that Golden Key promotes: academics, leadership and service, are values that have similarly been very important to me throughout my training.
The generous scholarship I received not only helped to alleviate some of the financial stress that accompanies funding for post-secondary education, but also further supported and encouraged me to pursue my desire to enter the medical field upon graduation. Beyond the financial support it is encouraging as a student to receive an award recognizing the hard work that goes into each school year, not only academically but also in extracurricular endeavors. I was very humbled and honored to receive an award that exemplifies the same values that I dedicate much of my time to.”

Yaeesh Sardiwella – Dalhousie University
“Golden Key has served as an ideal platform for me to continue to pursue the aspects of service which have become a norm in my life. The traditions and objectives of this society closely align with my own. This made joining Golden Key an easy choice for me.”
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