Apply now for the Golden Key Chapter Awards and get recognized today

We know you’re super proud of your Golden Key chapter. You’ve worked hard. Come together as a group. Achieved amazing things. Helped your community. Made a difference. We’re super proud of you too! And we would love the chance to celebrate and recognize all of the effort you and your incredible Golden Key chapter has put in over the past year.
Submit your nomination for the Key Chapter Awards
The winners will be announced at the Golden Key Houston Leadership Summit in July, and we’ll be looking for chapter who have shown outstanding achievement and contributions in the areas of Golden Key’s three pillars: Academics, Leadership and Service.
To apply for the Chapter Awards, you need to:
- Provide a brief outline describing five events in which the chapter participated in throughout the year. Uploading pictures of your events is encouraged.
- Select one event, in addition to the five already outlined, that you feel brought the chapter beyond Gold Standing and describe the impact the event had on campus, members and the community at large.
- Provide a letter of recommendation from a campus official, honorary members, alumnus, or community leader. The letter cannot come from your chapter advisor.
- Submit a 1-3 minute video highlighting the chapter’s events and achievements on campus and in the community throughout the year OR submit a PowerPoint presentation highlighting the chapter’s events and achievements on campus and in the community throughout the year (pictures highly encouraged).
Remember that the video OR PowerPoint presentation should tell your chapter’s story for this past academic year. Imagine that the person reviewing your application knows nothing about your chapter. Images, descriptions of events, impact your service projects had, hours volunteered, number of people who participated, is this an annual event? Were honourary members involved? How the events align with Golden Key’s pillars of Academics, Service, and Leadership, etc? Presenting this type of information will help showcase your chapter and tell your story.
Nominate your chapter for the Key Chapter Awards
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