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“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” –Mother Teresa

Typically when your stomach grumbles, you don’t think twice about how to remedy that situation. Being able to walk to your fridge and/or food filled pantry is a privilege many of us do not realize so many others are without. However, did you know that according to, current government statistics indicate that roughly 47 million Americans lived in food-insecure households; 15 million of them being children.
In an effort to do their part to combat this, the Golden Key chapter at Syracuse University partnered with the Central New York Ronald McDonald House in preparing meals for 25 of their residents. All additional unused items were also donated. The Ronald McDonald House of Central New York has been a place of refuge for the hungry families of children who are seriously ill for more than 30 years.
When families travel far and wide to receive health care services throughout the Upstate New York area, Ronald McDonald House Charities provides both an atmosphere and sheltered environment where families can feel welcome and comforted.
Stopping hunger one meal at a time is the motivation and knowing that the residents had a hot, fresh meal to eat at the end of their day was the biggest reward to participating GK members.
Written by Dominique Sherrod