How To Create a Great SPARK Event
With SPARK month just around the corner, now is the perfect time for GK chapter leaders to be finalizing their SPARK a Change event ideas and promoting it to the members and local community. Join the SPARK movement!
How to create a great SPARK event:
- Set up a meeting with your chapter. You will want to get as many people on board as possible. They will be your idea generators, volunteers and moral support.
- Ask the chapter members what kind of influence and focus they want to have in the community. Do they want to do one major event or a series of smaller events? Do they only want to focus on literacy, education or real-world preparedness? Are they wanting to team up with another organization that supports the SPARK a Change mission?
- When you have agreed on the focus, start to brainstorm event ideas. For example, if the chapter wants to focus on helping students prepare for standardized tests then possible events could include: test prep workshops once a month at the local elementary school or focusing on one specific classroom and offering tutoring after school the month before exams.
- Use the “Service Event Planning Timelines” in the Chapter Toolkit for detailed instructions for planning and carrying out the logistics of the event.
- Start asking for volunteers and assigning jobs. Be sure that everyone who is assigned a job clearly understands the vision and mission of the event.
- Help to make sure the chapter members are staying in contact with one another as they are carrying out their assignments. Make sure there is a place (Google doc, email, printed form) with everyones contact information so members can be in contact if they need assistance.
- Give clear deadlines and follow up with everyone.
- Register your event on the Golden Key website.
- Promote! Make sure people know about your event. Have you posted on social media? Made flyers? Sent out emails? There are lots of ways to promote events. Get creative.
Want to get involved and #SPARKaChange? Log into and click “Chapter Toolkit” in the upper right hand corner to visit the Service Toolkit with helpful guides on how to get started.
Watch our video to learn more:
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