2014 Key Chapter Winner Highlight: University of Hawai'i at Mänoa

We would like to congratulate the University of Hawai’i at Mänoa chapter for being named a 2013-2014 Key Chapter winner.
In the spring of 2014, the University of Hawai’i at Mänoa chapter held a different donation drive each month. Their first was a blood drive for the Blood Bank of Hawai’i. HawaiiThe chapter organized tabling sessions at the Campus Center to recruit donors, educate the community on the importance of donating blood and inform students on the many opportunities to give blood. The chapter successfully collected 44 pints of blood from 62 donors, 8 of which were first time donors. In March, the chapter hosted a clothes drive for the National Kidney Foundation of Hawai’i. All of the donations are sold to Savers, a local thrift store, and the proceeds are then used to support the education and awareness of kidney disease in Hawai’i. As a whole, the chapter was able to successfully collect more than 250 articles of clothing! The final drive that the chapter held during the spring was their HUGS Toiletry Drive. HUGS (Help, Understanding and Group Support) aids local families with sick children. The chapter collected body wash, shampoo, conditioner, bar soap, razors, shaving cream, hand wipes and toilet paper to be passed out at hospitals to families who stay with their ill children and are not able to go purchase these materials themselves.
One of the chapter’s larger events is their Prospective Member Recognition Event/End-of-Semester Ceremony.Hawaii1 This event recognizes the academic accomplishments of students who are “on track” for membership into Golden Key. This event, held at the end of the spring semester, is a formal reception in which the top 15% of each class is invited to learn more about the Society. The ceremony requires collective involvement from the entire chapter, alumni, advisors and honorary members, as well as a large amount of planning in advance. Preparation for the event starts at the beginning of the spring semester. Each officer was delegated certain responsibilities, which includes room reservations, speech assignments, invitations/RSVPs, entertainment and more. Event details were discussed and finalized in each monthly meeting.  The event ended up being a huge success and helped to create awareness of all that the chapter does on campus and in the community. Prospective members were able to learn more about Golden Key and the many opportunities and benefits of being a part of the University of Hawai’i at Mänoa chapter.
Again, congratulations to the University of Hawai’i at Mänoa chapter for being named a 2013-2014 Key Chapter!