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Key Chapter Winner Highlight: University of Florida

In continuance of our Key Chapter blog series, we would like to commend The University of Florida Golden Key chapter for being named a winner for the 2012-2013 academic year. The chapter participated in forty-five events during this time, which does not include socials or fundraisers but rather events that pertain to academics, leadership or service. They University of Florida chapter was also recently named winner of the Golden Key Chapter Facebook Contest for category 1!
A few years ago, The University of Florida chapter adopted a street in Gainesville that they were required to clean at least every other month. U of FloridaDuring the school year, however, chapter members gathered for clean-ups seven times, which is close to one clean-up per month. The chapter felt that the gatherings were a pleasant opportunity to bring everyone together, especially during busy times in the semester, and also provided a casual forum to discuss upcoming events. On a separate occasion, the Golden Key chapter partnered with other groups on campus to participate in Gator Green Team, which is a sustainability effort that aims to increase recycling at home football games. Volunteers would bring recycling materials to tailgaters and explain how to recycle and the benefits that come from it. They would also stand at the entrances of the stadium with recycling bags for people to properly dispose of their garbage rather than let it pile up in trash cans. On Halloween they held their second annual “Milk and Bookies Drive”. This is an organization that prompts people to host their own book drives; the witty title refers to the parties, which consist of milk and cookies, that are held for attendees who donate books. The drive was effective and rewarding, producing more than one hundred books to be donated to underprivileged children.
U of Florida2One of the more successful events held by the University of Florida Golden Key chapter was “Rock for the Hungry”, which is a benefit concert designed to attract students and raise awareness for local music while simultaneously raising money for Children’s Table. This is a local, non-profit organization that provides families in need with fresh food. The chapter had a set-back in that they could not sell tickets to the event, but they found another way to raise the funds- they held several fundraisers and a raffle. The prizes for the raffle were donated products that were solicited by chapter members from local businesses, and the winner of the raffle was announced the night of the show. The event was an incredible success in that the chapter helped to eradicate food insecurities in the community and the event called for participation and involvement, which led to a strong bond between members and students.
Congratulations to The University of Florida chapter for being named a Key Chapter winner! You earned it and we look forward to hearing of your future success!