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GK Members Get Internships Through Dream Careers: Angela’s Story

This week we’ve shared the experiences of three Golden Key members that participated in internship programs through our partnership with Dream Careers.  Dream Careers is the world’s leading internship program provider and Golden Key has partnered up with them to provide our “Global Internship Initiative.”  Golden Key members that participate in a Dream Careers program get several special benefits such as priority access to the internships. If you’re interested in being placed in an internship through Dream Careers, learn all about the program and the special discounts for GK members.
AngelaOur final highlight is on Angela Roberts, a Golden Key member at Ashford University in Iowa State. Angela primarily attends school online and joined Golden Key in June of 2012. She is double majoring in marketing and public relation and will be graduating in June of 2014. She aspires to continue to work in non-profit organizations as well as build my own business that assists in providing marketing and public relations to local businesses.
Angela shares her story here:
I grew up in a small farming community in Washington State. Growing up I was unfortunately not born into wealth but I was fortunately born in to hard work. I have been driven and determined to succeed all of my life. I currently live in the Tri-Cities area of Washington State and I traveled to New York City to participate in the Dream Careers program. I worked at a marketing firm called Escalate Marketing from June 9th to August 3rd. They are an experiential firm that works to provide Coca-Cola event marketing and word of mouth marketing. The company focuses on providing events and media coverage for teenagers and college age students.
For my internship, I worked in the productions department so I was able to work with all departments to make their events come to life. I was also able to travel to a few events; one of which included going to Jersey Shore to attend the “Open For Summer” event by Coca-Cola.  At Escalate they depend on their interns to be a component to the overall experience not ever servants that get coffee or pick up dry cleaning. My experience at Escalate was very rewarding!  One of my favorite parts of my internship was being able to be a part of the brainstorms with the CEO and head manager. One of the last brainstorms I attended was for the 2014 pitch and only six people were asked to join the meeting. Some of the ideas that I came up with for the events were selected!
The Dream Careers program was very worthwhile to be a part of. The program offers the 360 experience of New York City and working, from bucket lists for adventures in NY to career and life changing seminars. The Dream Careers staff was helpful by getting us used to the city and figuring out the life of getting to work and how it all falls together.
Angela-quoteSome of the seminars that I attended through Dream Careers included a LinkedIn seminar, following your dreams, how to get where you want to be, and a hiring panel. Each career seminar was inspiring and energizing. The most valuable lesson that I learned professionally is that not all the hard work in the world can get you where you want to be, you have to build a substantial professional network. It is not about asking for handouts but using your connections to show off your skills and abilities. The most valuable lesson that I learned personally is that being honest and true to yourself is priceless.
Everyone asks me the question, “Do you think your experience with Dream Careers will help you secure a job in the future?” Everyone asks this because the program is not cheap and leaving my husband for a few months was not easy.  Even though this was not the easiest choice I have ever made, it was a choice for me and my ambitions. I do not believe that anything, not even a contract secures a job in the future. Tomorrow is unknown and that is why I choose to spend all my savings and uproot my life to build a worthy and amazing foundation to my career. New York City is the business capital of the world and I worked there, made it through the crowds of hundred on Wall Street, and made my way through the city. With that experience I feel I can do anything. 
Being in New York City was great. The weekend events were so much fun. The planned events included, Yankees game or Broadway play, overnight trip to Washington D.C., private Tour bus around NYC, comedy show, and a beach trip. Washington D.C. was so amazing seeing the White House, being so close to our history as well as the city was beautiful and peaceful! In addition to the planned events, we all got together to go shopping, eating out, central park walks, and so much more.

For all the people interested in Dream Careers there is no better way to intern in NYC honestly. The program sets up the living part in New York City to be as easy as possible including food card, housing, and built-in friends. Living in NYC will change you in so many ways- it’s beautiful, busy, changing, and dirty and the list goes on but it is also not for the light hearted. You have to be willing to take it at as an adventure and make the best of it!
I’d also like to share a few pointers with those that attend the next NYC program: connect with Dream Careers early and get Broadway tickets through NYU early to your favorite shows at a fraction of the price. Also with the program you go as a student of NYU so you can receive discounts at tons of stores by showing your student ID.
As you can see, Angela got hands-on, real world experience in her field of choice by participating in this program. While it was a tough choice for her to live away from home for two months, she knew it was the right decision because of all the great experiences she had. Our thanks go out to Angela for sharing her story.