Beyond the Golden Key Map: Part 2

Last week we highlighted two Golden Key members that joined from countries where Golden Key chapters are not established. Because people can join Golden Key from all around the world, we have many unique and interesting members.
We’ve reached out to two more members from countries where Golden Key does not have chapters to learn about them and find out how they heard about Golden Key. This week’s profile is of Dirk Lauinger and Noel Daryl Pahimna.
Dirk Lauinger
Dirk joined Golden Key in September 2012. He grew up in Freiburg, Germany and attended a German-French high school. He quickly developed an active interest for renewable energies and founded a company at age 17 at his high school. They built a solar plant on the roof of the high school in order to promote the use of renewable energies among other pupils. He started his university studies in Switzerland at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and lived there for two years. Then he moved to Canada, where he currently lives, to do an exchange year at McGill University. He is majoring in electrical engineering and will graduate in April. Dirk plans to continue working in the field of renewable energies and aspires to eventually become a professor. When asked about his proudest academic achievement, Dirk said the straight A’s he got last term and the radio he built in one of his courses.
How did you hear about Golden Key?
I found out about Golden Key by attending Activities Night at McGill. Activities Night is an evening early in the semester where different associations and student’s clubs present themselves, so that students can get an insight at what’s going on in there university. I was interested by the scholarships and plan to apply for some soon.
Noel Daryl Pahimna
Noel (pictured above) joined Golden Key in August 2010. He was born in the Philippines and earned a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology from a Philippine college. He moved to the United Kingdom (where he is currently living) and is now a British citizen. Noel joined Golden Key a year before he graduated and has since received a Bachelor of Science in Communication and Culture degree from City University of New York School of Professional Studies (CUNY SPS), where he graduated summa cum laude with a 4.0 GPA. He plans on also getting a master’s degree from a US institution. He is currently enrolled in a Master of Science in Psychology (Chemical Dependency & Compulsive Disorders) program and should be graduating this August. His goal is to finish his doctorate in psychology and become a licensed clinical psychologist in the United States.
How did you hear about Golden Key?
I learned about Golden Key from the Internet. I have seen a lot of highly respected names associated with this Society, which I found attractive.
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