First Annual Alumni Receptions

Golden Key would like to invite all alumni to attend our first annual alumni receptions. These receptions are a chance to network with other GK alumni living in your area, meet GK staff and win cool things!  You will also be able to help shape the future Golden Key’s alumni relations program.  If you would like to attend RSVP to <>.  Please see the dates and locations below to find the reception nearest you.
Edmonton, Alberta 5 February 2010 8:00pm
Kennesaw, Georgia 5 February 2010 9:15pm
Dearborn, Michigan 19 February 2010 8:30pm
Stillwater, Oklahoma 26 February 2010 9:00pm
Stony Brook, New York 26 February 8:30pm
Tempe, Arizona 26 February 9:00pm