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Our Leadership

Our Leadership

A United Nations of college students, advisors and alumni, Golden Key brings together ambitious, scholarly, community-minded people from all walks of life. Members make up their own melting pot — each with a different background, history and culture.  Each contributes unique experiences and attributes to the spirit of the whole, and each has a different story to tell. Please use the menu to the left to view the members of each of our boards and councils.

Board of Directors

Golden Key members are thinkers, dreamers and goal-setters. Our Board of Directors is no different. Composed of corporate, nonprofit and academic leaders, the Board is balanced with experienced practitioners who provide guidance and support to Golden Key headquarters. They are our role models.

International Leadership Council

Golden Key’s Leadership Council is responsible for maintaining an innovative, collaborative environment where respect, character and diversity reign. The Council oversees the academic integrity of the Society, approves requests for chartering of chapters, and supervises all chapter activity for Golden Key members. It is our conscience.

International Council of Advisors

We all cherish the wisdom of experience. Enter our Council of Advisors—an esteemed group of men and women from the academic community who act with Golden Key’s best interests at heart. Council members provide feedback to the Golden Key staff and leadership, foster collaboration among chapters in their region, and judge regional and international awards. They are our light.





International Council of Student Leaders

Steve Jobs once said “innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”
The International Council of Student Members is a source of innovative ideas, and serves as a resource on a variety of issues and initiatives. It is our rock.


Our dedicated staff are committed to helping our honorary members get recognized for their great achievements.





Society Elections

Each year Golden Key elects a body of volunteer student, advisor and alumni leaders to guide the Society in achieving our mission. These positions are crucial to the success of Golden Key and are an incredible way for members to develop leadership and communication skills.