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I am already a member of another honor society. Does that mean I am a member of Golden Key, or are these organizations related?

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  • I am already a member of another honor society. Does that mean I am a member of Golden Key, or are these organizations related?
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Golden Key is not affiliated with any other honor societies, therefore it is necessary for you to accept membership using the Golden Key invitation you received to obtain your membership in this society.

You may see your local chapter of Golden Key partnering with other organizations for service, social and academic projects, however, to become a true member of Golden Key, you will have to adhere to Golden Key’s application process.

The things that set Golden Key apart from many other collegiate honor societies on campus are its efforts to provide opportunities beyond recognition and to cater to the needs of students approaching graduation, continuing education and the job market. We accomplish this by providing scholarships on the local and international levels, by promoting service participation by each chapter, by involving students as chapter and society leaders, and offering career assistance and networking opportunities.