GKSA_Neuro-link [Whole Brain Learning]

What is Whole Brain Learning Study Skills

WHOLE BRAIN LEARNING is an online brain performance optimization program. The purpose of this program is to assess & improve the brain-based elements that impact the ease, speed and flexibility with which you learn, think and process information, as well as learning skills to learn faster, easier & achieve better thinking & learning results. The program starts with completing your Neuro Agility Profile™ (NAP™) assessment. Subsequently, you will learn skills to study faster and easier and obtain better results.

What is the NAP Student Performer Assessment

NAP™ is an abbreviation for the Neuro Agility Profile™. The Student Performer is the most comprehensive, multi-dimensional brain profile assessment of its kind for students. It measures 13 elements that influence the ease, speed & flexibility with which you learn, think & process information. The purpose of the NAP™ Student Performer is to identify your unique potential & optimize your brain fitness, mental flexibility & brain health.

What is the GKSA Offering

GKSA Members get both the NAP Student Performer Assessment and Whole Brain Learning Study Skills Online Course valued at R4600 for only R299.

Whole Brain Learning Study Skills

NAP Student Performer Assessment