Hi, I’m Melissa Leitzell the CEO of Golden Key International Honour Society.

Join me for a live webinar session where I’ll explain what we’re about and why you should become a lifetime member. And you’re welcome to ask questions!

Golden Key is a membership-based international honor society with more than 2.5 million members around the world who are all high achievers (like you).

You need to be in the top 15% of your class to qualify for membership. Once you join, you’re a member for life and can continue to enjoy our benefits as you grow professionally.

We are dedicated to helping you to continue to develop in your life and career, now and in the future. 

Golden Key offers you the chance to connect with a network of respected people who believe in lifelong learning.

We also offer scholarships, Golden Key Academy (our online learning platform with weekly live webinars that you can access for FREE when you’re a member), leadership development, jobs and internships opportunities, and more.

Similar to other membership societies, we do have a membership fee. To join, you pay a one-off membership fee of $US95 (you can do this in three instalments). You are then a member for life, with NO ongoing fees or dues for membership at any point after that. 

Join the next webinar

Do you have some questions about Golden Key? Want to know more about how we work, what it means to become a member and how to join?

Get the answers to these questions and more in this relaxed and friendly info session with Golden Key’s CEO Melissa Leitzell.