Honor Society Membership Deadline: April 3rd!

#MarchMania is on. Don't miss out. Learn more now.

THIS is YOUR time join Golden Key International Honour Society

Golden Key is an honor society of leadership and success like no other. We celebrate and support collegiate scholars around the world and we want you to be part of it.

Did you already receive an invitation? Congratulations!

The countdown is on:
Join our honor society by April 3rd

Join during #MarchMania for even more member perks.


Thinking about joining an honor society?

Excellent. You've earned it.
Here's why you should be a member of Golden Key International Honour Society:

Join our honor society to be recognized for your achievements, qualify for amazing scholarship opportunities,  connect with like-minded high performers around the world, and grow as a leader.  Your Golden Key honor society membership is so much more than a well-earned mark of distinction on your resume. Your membership is an opportunity to learn, grow, travel, and  meet incredible people – for a lifetime.

Do you already have a unique invite code?

Did you receive an email from us with your personal invitation? Congratulations! Use your unique invite code to join:

Are you in the top 15% of your class?

Amazing! See if you qualify to be an honor society member by sharing your  GPA and academic transcript here: 


The #yesGK #MarchMania join deadline is April 3rd. Don't miss out! Learn about the extra #MarchMania new member perks.

Your chance to talk to our CEO

This is your opportunity to speak with our CEO. Every Wednesday, have all your questions answered and be inspired.

Honor Society Membership

for scholars at the top 15% of their class*
$ 95 USD one time payment
  • Prestigious honor society membership
  • Access to scholarship opportunities
  • Exclusive grant and study abroad opportunities
For top 15%


Our honor society members are changing the world

honor society membership news

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Scholarships & Awards
Julia Brown


Ather Sharif stands out as a beacon of dedication and innovation in a world where academic achievement and social impact often intersect. A distinguished Golden Key International Honour Society member, Ather has been awarded the prestigious 2023 Golden Key Graduate Scholar Award. This honor acknowledges

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Scholarships & Awards
Julia Brown

GK Scholarships: Logan Thornton

We are thrilled to announce Logan Thornton as the 2023 Golden Key Undergraduate Achievement Award recipient! This prestigious honor recognizes Logan’s outstanding accomplishments and dedication throughout his undergraduate career at the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss). About the Undergraduate Achievement Award The Golden Key Undergraduate

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