GK Scholarships: Gabriella Hale

Golden Key is thrilled to introduce Gabriella Hale, one of Golden Key’s 2020 Graduate Scholar Award winners. Gabriella received her Bachelor’s in Plant and Soil Science and is working towards her Ph.D. in Plant Soil and Science from Texas Tech University.
“Receiving this award is like receiving rain in the midst of a drought,” Gabriella says. “The timing of this award has assured me I have the resources to balance family life and complete two manuscripts this summer. I am reinvigorated knowing I have support in reaching my goals.”
Gabriella is highly dedicated to her education and deeply involved in the communities around her.
“My hometown is Fredericksburg, Texas,” Gabriella explains. “I am a member of the Plant & Soil Science Department’s Graduate Seminar Committee at Texas Tech University. Academic awards include designation as a McNair Scholar and the Garden Club of America’s research scholarship. GCA’s award helped to support my undergraduate research and senior thesis, which culminated in the graduate projects I am working on now.”
Gabriella has received many awards and scholarships during her time at Texas Tech University.
“In the past, I have received the following awards B.S. of PSS with Highest Honors, Garden Club of America Corlis Knapp Engle Scholarship, McNair Scholar and the 2019 American Society for Horticultural Science Outstanding Horticulrutral Student Award,” Gabriella shares.
Thank you for being a part of the Golden Key family, Gabriella; we wish you the best of luck on your Ph.D.!
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