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GK Scholarships: Allison Quintanilla Plattsmier

GK Scholarships: Allison Quintanilla Plattsmier

Golden Key is gratified to introduce Allison Quintanilla Plattsmier, one of Golden Key’s 2020 Graduate Scholar Award winners. Allison has earned seven diplomas, including a Bachelor’s in Political Science: Public Administration and Nonprofit Management, Master’s of Community Development and Action, Certified Nonprofit Professional, Master’s of Business Administration and Management, Doctorate of Leadership and Professional Practice, and Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy. Most currently, Allison is pursuing her Doctorate of Law at Syracuse University College of Law.

“On multiple occasions, Golden Key has helped to significantly relieve this financial burden to truly put my academic pursuits and service to the community at the forefront without worrying about staying afloat financially,” Allison says. “Golden Key has genuinely been a blessing and has always come through when I have needed them most. Without their support, I would not be able to fulfill my academic dreams. I credit them with laying the foundation for what I have been able to accomplish thus far.”

Allison has worked extremely hard to get to where she’s at.

“Working in the nonprofit sector, the ability to pay my way through school has always been a challenge, and I have found myself exhausted trying to maintain academic excellence while holding down multiple jobs in order to finance my education, especially as I have made the journey into being a new mom and working parent during a pandemic,” Allison explains.

Allison is grateful to be a member of Golden Key and recognizes its impact on her academic and work career.

“Golden Key’s pillars of scholarship, leadership, and service have been a guiding force for both my academic and professional careers. Golden Key laid the foundation for my development as a leader by helping me to embrace authentic servant leadership, which has served me well as I have gone on to lead multiple nonprofits as Executive Director. It also inspired my commitment to academic excellence as I have maintained a 4.0 GPA in multiple programs throughout my academic career.”

Thank you for being a part of the Golden Key family, Allison; we wish you the best of luck on your Law degree!