GK Scholarships: Hannah Via

GK Scholarships: Hannah Via

Golden Key is delighted to introduce Hannah Via, one of Golden Key’s 2020 Undergraduate Achievement Award winners. Hannah attends the American Public University.

“Winning this award is personal confirmation for me that hard work, dedication, and perseverance pay off,” says Hannah.
Hannah considers herself a master of many trades and pursues academic excellence with ferocity. 

“During my time at my University, I have worn many different hats,” explains Hannah. “First and foremost, I have been a student dedicated to my studies, working diligently to obtain good grades and remain on the dean’s list. Second, I have been a student leader, serving in multiple different student organizations, such as Golden Key International Honor Society, the Jewish Student Association, Model United Nations, Psychology Club, Active Minds, Sociology at Work, National Society for Collegiate Scholar, as well as being an active member in other clubs such as Pi Gamma Mu Honor Society, Society for Collegiate Leadership and Achievement, and the Political Science Scholars. Third, I have been a voice for my University’s mission, serving as an Ambassador and speaking on various panels for Leadership, Diversity, and Inclusion.”

Hannah knows her success is not entirely her own and that encouragement and support from those around her have helped her along her path. 

“From my professors who encouraged me to pursue my passion for social justice and psychology, to my student organization advisors who worked tirelessly with me to help me become the best leader I could be, to the Office of Student Affairs being there to answer all my questions, this award is just as much as a testament to how much my University has done for me to my own success,” Hannah declares. 

Hannah is currently serving as the Vice President of the Golden Key Chapter at the American Public University.

“Being a member of the Golden Key International Honor Society, I can personally speak to how beneficial joining honor societies can be,” Hannah recounts. “I found a group of people dedicated to leadership and academic success, a group that cares about its member. From professional development to advice on graduate schools, my chapter of Golden Key became my virtual home.”

Hannah is thankful for being a member of Golden Key and getting the opportunity to share her experiences with new Golden Key members. 

“I am beyond honored to be one of the recipients of the 2020 Golden Key Undergraduate Achievement Award and would like to thank Golden Key for this amazing recognition,” Hannah says. 

Thank you for being a part of the Golden Key family Hannah, we wish you the best of luck in your pursuit of social justice and psychology!